Defense of the Master in Software Quality by the engineer and specialist in Computer Science of the Softel company Marilys Valiente González. Photo: Nancy Pérez Medina
Practical contribution to improve web portals
With the dissertation on the thesis "Strategy for obtaining the requirements for web portals", by the engineer and specialist in Computer Science of the Softel company Marilys Valiente González, there conclude the eight defenses of Master’s in Software Quality taking place in the current month.
This was the report made by the president of the Board, Dra.Sc. Yaimí Trujillo Casañola, Director of Software Quality, at the start of the presentation on Thursday, December 14, in Lecture Hall 2 of the Rector's Office area the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).
The board was also composed by the thesis supervisor, Dr.Sc. Arturo Orellana García; the secretary MSc. Dainys Gainza Reyes and the Opponent Dr. Zoila Esther Morales Tabares, professor of the Engineering and Software Management Department of School 2 of the UCI. It was to her we asked about the importance of research:
"In every software development project, success measures usually appear to be very simple: to get to satisfy the client, to complete the project according to the time estimated for it, with the previously defined scope and budget. However, the problems faced by those in charge when trying to comply with all the requirements is quite complex.
"It is for this reason that a set of solutions that contribute to the achievement of project objectives is required in order to allow the organization to progress technologically, without actually becoming dependent on the tools and modifications that must be made in it.
In this scenario, the requirement engineering, which is actually the contribution of this thesis-- the strategy for obtaining the software development requirements for the web portals of the CCI Center at UCI, plays a very important role, since it helps the project managers to better understand the problem, whose solution they will work on, and to use the tools that will allow them to reduce risks and cost overruns in the development process."