Raúl Miguel Triana Díaz, Xetid’s chief coordinator, tells the evaluators about the impact that the research developed through the doctoral theses has had for this company. Photos: Alberto Medina Cruz.
The application of research is tested in other institutions
This Thursday morning, April 27, 2017, was devoted by the experts of the evaluation committees who are at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), to visit external work centers in order to verify the application and impact of the research developed through the theses of the Doctorate in Computer Science and the Master in Software Quality.
As has been reported, the aforementioned programs are being evaluated in the current week to propose to the National Accreditation Board (JAN), which are Certified, Accredited or Excellent, according to their strengths and weaknesses, a conclusion that will be announced to the directives of the institution on Friday.
A visit paid to employers was within the steps established in the process. The team of the Master’s was in Softel, a company specialized in the area of Health Systems, located in Havana’s Vedado
While the doctoral evaluation group, accompanied by Ph.D.Arturo César Arias Orizondo, Director of Postgraduate Education, verified in the Information Technology for Defense Company (Xetid), in an area adjacent to UCI, how many of its technological achievements are a product of the University's scientific results.
Another application scenario derived from the research of this higher studies center is the Medical-Pedagogical School "Flor de la Revolución", located in the town of Punta Brava in the municipality of La Lisa. It was inaugurated in 1989 by the Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and cares for 317 children from three to age nine who have different visual difficulties.
The doctoral thesis of Dr. Omar Correa Madrigal, "Procedural generation of content for the rehabilitation of visual acuity with video games" is being applied here. According to Herminia Gonzalez Guerrero, director of the aforementioned educational center, it is a software which has greatly favored the development of the evaluation of the little ones’ sight.
The teams of experts from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Master's in Software Quality and the Doctorate in Computer Science devoted this Thursday afternoon to the preparation and conclusion of the report on the external evaluation process, to later meet with the self-assessment commissions and the corresponding committees.

At “Flor de la Revolución” (Flower of the Revolution) MES experts , the Doctors Orizondo and Correa, and the director of this special school, Herminia González Guerrero.

A student from the “Flor de la Revolución” school is making her visual exercises applying a software developed at UCI.