"This academic institution, conceived and designed by Fidel Castro Ruz, which has computer specialists graduated with high level, must always watch over its human capital and undertake proactive actions against the consumption of drugs, so as to protect the image and the prestige of this University ", as commented by Dr. Tamayo Turcios in the meeting.

In the award ceremony of the children's competition “Aportando a la Revolución” (My contribution to the Revolution) , children and teachers of the project “Conectados al futuro” (Connected to the future) and also from the José Martí Honoring Room, of School 1 at UCI. Photo: Juan Félix Hernández Rodríguez
The awards in the modalities of Drawing, Poetry and Storytelling, involved a variety of children's activity that included participation games, declamation of poems, dances and hidden treasures, among others.
The colorfulness of this show, which combined several specialties, met the expectations of the people who gathered in this center to appreciate all the artistic richness of our University.
The amateur artists of the higher education centers of the territory presented to the audience in the Avellaneda Hall of the National Theater, a show full of Cuban flavor in which the values of the national culture were reflected
Valentine’s Day was celebrated in this house of higher studies with the attendance of the publishing house Ediciones Futuro as well as the book sale and popular crafts vending
Today, UCI recalled its founder, as Fidel would have liked to be remembered, as of study, work, science
The VII Meeting of Creative Women showed that the University also has a good potential among the feminine gender
The 87th edition was presented at the University of Informatics Sciences, to remember our Commander in Chief on the first anniversary of his physical disappearance
During the presentation of his book the Cuban essayist talked to the audience and stressed that socialism strives to situate the social being at the forefront
The members of the university socio cultural project "Joyous Visits" recently visited the Nursing Home Lazo de la Vega, in La Lisa municipality, where they delighted all those present there