During the opening ceremony the artwork Paradigma, an excellent painting by the plastic arts instructor Malcolm Larrosay. Photo: Serguey González and Yaself Machado.
Fidel’s thought, alive in the room honoring his name at UCI
Just a year after the physical disappearance of one of the greatest men born in Cuba, the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) inaugurates the room honoring Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and the study of his thoughts.
The homage of this institution to the Marxist-Leninist vision of a man who crossed the borders of his time and his island, is mainly focused on the analysis of the work written and lived by the leader of the Cuban Revolution.
The place that honors his memory will be guarded in the University Library. It will be presided by the Vice rectorate of University Extension, presided by MsC. Silvano Merced Len, vice-rector for University Extension, as well as MSc. José E. Messana Valdés and Dr.C. Mario González Arencibia, as vicepresidents.
The site, which will group texts of invaluable value related to Fidel’s life and work, will be counseled by UCI professor of merit, Fernando Vecino Alegret; the director of the Office of Historical Affairs of the Council of State, Eugenio Suárez Pérez; the methodologist Dr.Sc. Fidel Antonio Castro Smirnov and the Director of Cubadebate, Randy Alonso.
The opening of this location will fulfill its fundamental mission through dissimilar activities to expand in the university community the study of the man who set a place for Cuba on the world map thanks to the unyielding nature of his lineage.
During the opening ceremony the artwork Paradigma, an excellent painting by the plastic arts instructor Malcolm Larrosay, was unveiled. It shows Fidel in several stages of his life. When the mural was exposed to the light of a library crowded with the public, three glances of the Commander in Chief penetrated the feeling of all those present in the room.
In the closing remarks, the University Rector, Dra. Sc. Miriam Nicado García, said that although the room is physically in this location, Fidel’s thought will be manifested in the classrooms and in the different places of the University that he founded; so that everyone at ICU can say I Am Fidel and Thank You for everything, Fidel.
UCI recalled its founder, as Fidel would have liked to be remembered, as of the study, the work, the science field. At 15 years since the creation of this project for the future, which today has tangible achievements in favor of the computerization of the country, the leader of the Cuban Revolution lives in each story and in each project of what he called: Tropa del Futuro (Troop of the Future)
On the occasion, there were also present members of the University Council, FEU and representatives of UCI political and mass organizations.

MSc. Ernesto M. García González, read the rectoral resolution that validates the creation of center for the study of the thought of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

Inaugural ceremony of the center for the study of the thought of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.