PhD. Yaimí Trujillo Casañola explains to Alfonso Alva Rosano, president of the Center for the Excellence of the software industry of Mexico, in Fair Informática 2016. Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz
Learn more about the VIII International Quality Workshop 2018
The VIII International Workshop on Quality in Information and Communication Technologies (Quality 2018) will be held in the framework of the XVII Edition of the International Convention and Fair Informática 2018, from March 19 to March 23 next year; that is why, we had this brief interview with Dr.C. Yaimí Trujillo Casañola, President of the Scientific Committee of this event.
- Who is organizing this Workshop?
- It is being organized by The Cuban Union of Computer Scientists (UIC), the National Center for Software Quality (Calisoft) and the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).
- Where can we get information about Quality 2018?
- The updated information on this Workshop will be available on the event page and on page of events the website of the University of Informatics Sciences. “You can also find it on the social networks Twitter and Facebook".
- What is the objective of this event within the XVII International Convention and Fair Informatics 2018?
- Our objective is to promote the exchange of experiences among professionals, scientists, technicians and those interested in this scientific-technical activity.
- How have you conceived the prior dissemination stage of the activities within the event giving emphasis to social networks?
- It is important that all interested parties know that we will be publishing information from this moment on, and we will be arranging it in a sequence where Mondays will be devoted to news, Tuesdays to interviews, Wednesdays to share phrases said by different personalities in the subject of quality, and finally on Thursdays we will show a biographical summary of that afore mentioned personality.
- What is the schedule for the presentation of papers?
- There are three stages for this: Presentation of abstracts and reports (October 30, 2017); Notification of acceptance (November 20, 2017); and the submission of the final paper for publication (December 11, 2017).
- What other activities will be developed in conjunction with the Workshop taking place at the Convention Center?
- Two pre-congress demonstration workshops will be held in parallel, one dedicated to web application Penetration Testing, and another one about Continuous Integration.
- Where are the best papers planned to be published?
-Those papers that are among the best will have publications in magazines of international impact endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education and the Cuban Journal of Computer Science (RCCI).