The Vice - Rectory for Production evaluates the work done during the year 2016 at the University
José Martí teaching building was the headquarters, on Thursday, January 9th, to analyze the work deployed during 2016 and plans for this 2017 by the Vice-Rector of Production of the University of Informatics Science (known as UCI).
At this meeting were present Ph.D. Miriam Nicado García, member of the Political Bureau and of the Council of State, and Rector of the UCI; Ph.D. Raydel Montesino Perurena, deputy rector; Ph.D. Natalia Martínez Sánchez, Vice- rector of training ; The MSc. Reinaldo Rosado Roselló and Irina Brito Reyes, Vice-Rector of Production and General Director of Production, respectively; Other members of the University Council and a representation of specialists from each of the 14 Development Centers with their managers in charge.
Among the results of the balance presented by the Vice-Rector of Production, 126 projects were successfully completed, of the 108 initially planned (50 development, 28 services and 30 support), and the registration of 478 business opportunities.
It also showed the impact of several products developed by the Centers, as well as the deficiencies generated, mainly, by the estimation of the duration time to fulfill the planning schedules.
Likewise, the MSc. Rosado carried out an extensive analysis of quality management, technical support behavior that dealt with 829 incidences in the three levels established, relations with external entities, turn over that closed with the amount of 3.3 million, of them 932 040.55 In CUC, and added that for this year is contracted the amount of 3.4 million pesos.
He also acknowledged the Center for the Development of Medical Informatics (Cesim) and the Center for Electronic Government (Cegel), which received Innovation Awards for some of their products, granted by CITMA in the province of Havana.
The Vice- rector also stated in his presentation the effort made by the University to improve the technological infrastructure of the production laboratories and to conclude his intervention launched the question "How are we going to produce in 2017?
Starting from all these ideas, a broad debate was generated in which several proposals were made to achieve agile programming, quality in software development groups, better planning and a faster sales flow of products, among other aspects .
The closing words of the appointment were in charge of Ph.D. Nicado García, who recently qualified as a period in which the UCI elevated its prestige within and outside the country, similarly emphasized that this house of high studies remains strategic for the development of Cuba and it is a commitment of all to continue contributing with it being better every day.