There was a valuable exchange of ideas among participants during the presentation act of defense of the curriculum for the Bioinformatics Engineering career, adapted to the conditions of the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI). Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz
Curriculum defense of the new career for data scientists at UCI
The curriculum of the Bioinformatics Engineering career, adapted to the conditions of the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), was presented for its approval on a public ceremony this September 1.
The presentation of the curriculum project for the career designed to graduate data scientists, was made by the coordinator of the Bioinformatics career group at UCI, MSc. Mario Pupo Meriño.
In addition, Dr. Oristela Cuellar Justiz, professor from the Central University Marta Abreu de Las Villas, reported the general comments on the design of the document presented.
Furthermore, there followed a valuable exchange of ideas among the participants, including some career faculty and members of the Board, chaired by the Director of Professional Education at the University, Dr. José Ortiz Rojas.
UCI Rector, Dr. Miriam Nicado García, also present in the ceremony, insisted during her intervention on the importance of integrating the discipline of Professional Practice from the very first year of the career; she also made some suggestions to be followed and reiterated the commitment of the University with the country to educate engineers in Bioinformatics.
During the conclusions of the meeting, the Secretary of the Board, Dr. Lidia Ruiz Ortiz, Director of the National Center for Distance Education, expressed on behalf of the board, the approval of the curriculum, which should be modified taking into account the recommendations given.
Dr. Ruiz Ortiz referred to the correspondence of the curriculum project presented with the requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as to the contribution of the objectives for the students’ education, among other positive aspects.
At the end of the presentation, the Dean of the Sciences and Computational Technologies School thanked the Board and the speakers for the analyzes made and suggestions given. She also congratulated the career group for all the hard work done.