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MSc. Ana Marys García Rodríguez. Photo courtesy of the interviewee.

Ana Marys: satisfied with the Master's degree program in Software Quality

Odalys Rosa Falcón Márquez |
April 6, 2017 - 08:30
MSc. Ana Marys García Rodríguez

MSc. Ana Marys García Rodríguez. Photo courtesy of the interviewee.

44The Master's degree in Software Quality, which is taught at the University of Informatics Sciences (known as UCI) will carry out its accreditation process from April  24th to 28th.

For this reason, we talked with the MSc. Ana Marys García Rodríguez, who serves as Vice-Dean of Economics and Administration at Faculty 3 and is also a graduate of this Master's Degree. She willingly agreed to answer our concerns about the experiences received during this period of time dedicated to her professional improvement.

Ana Marys told us that the training received, both in undergraduate and postgraduate studies has greatly influenced the development of basic and necessary skills to successfully complete her postgraduate studies.

She added that the courses and diploma that she received, as part of the Master's Degree, favored both the development of investigative practices and the acquisition of knowledge essential for the achievement of the objectives of this program.

The Vice-Dean considered that an investigation, which in turn generates quality products backed by the integration of science, is something that is present in the model of formation of our University, therefore, it favors this gear considerably.

She added that correctly applying what was learned in Research Methodology was essential in her training to research, which enabled her to learn the essence to do science and apply it in later stages of his professional development.

For her, the most positive thing is that professors, with a high academic preparation, contribute with their experiences to developed the research with the best quality possible and likewise the access to the updated bibliography and the necessary equipment always was within reach of everybody.

She also told us that she had to develop the mastership in addition to being a Vice-Dean and teaching at the faculty. Specifically, the final discussion of this was made assuming, in functions, the Deanery of Faculty 3; But acknowledges that she received all the support from her tutor, her co-workers and mainly from the top management of the University so that the results were as expected.

She added that during the courses, to acquire the credits in the masters, it was necessary to make a great personal effort and maintain the constancy to be able to overcome every stage; So that at the end of a module each master must complete a thesis associated with the courses of the graduate, which also taxes her research, a variant she considers highly aligned to achieve the necessary skills and advances in the final research.

Among the strengths of this program is the preparation of the teachers' staff, the planning, and conception of the master's program, the evaluation system, and the resources made available to the training students at the program. Regarding the weaknesses, she told us that foreign professionals should also be incorporated.

From the preparation received, said Ana Marys that is integral, because it links elements of training, production and research, being consistent with our model of undergraduate training.

She pointed out that it is relevant to mention that from the research carried out as part of the master's degree, research topics for doctorate have been generated, as is the case. She emphasized that she had the opportunity to publish research results in refereed journals, which evidences the high added value of the master's degree in the professional training of all university graduates.

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