The undergraduate teaching assistants’ association celebration
The undergraduate teaching assistants’ association celebration
On Thursday, May 25, 2017, the fourth day of the 1st Scientific Conference of the Computer Science Engineer was dedicated to the Class Festival, which took place on the third floor classrooms of the José Martí School building.
As explained by MSc Dayana Caridad Tejera Hernández, coordinator of the event by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, the activity consists in the presentation of a class by the members of the Students Teaching Assistants’ association (AA for the Spanish Alumno Ayudante), which includes 143 members. The class is evaluated by a board of experienced teachers -- among them for example, Dr. Sc., Idelsis Martínez Ungo, former Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs -- who suggest how to structure and improve the class in order to further motivate the learners Beatriz Lugo Robaina, a fifth-year student of School 1, has been in the Association for two years. For her, one of the benefits of the Class Festival is the opportunity to prepare herself as a future teacher, as she develops better communication skills while sharing her knowledge.
"This helps me to correct my mistakes," she adds, "to perfect the way I express myself and make the subjects pleasant and enjoyable."
Yoisbel Tabares León, the student responsible for Academic affairs of the University Students Federation (FEU) said that in carrying out the Festival, they have the support of the Methodological Scientific Direction of the Center for Innovation and Quality of Education (CICE)from the Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
This student leader also presented his teaching model as a way to encourage the undergraduate assistant teachers to describe how they would teach a class and, with the suggestions given, start developing as future teachers-- here lies the importance of the Festival.
One of the evaluating boards was composed by Dr. Sc., Berta Iris Yanez Watson, B.A,, Hilda Garrido Pelegrín, and Engineer, Alexander Rodríguez Bonet, teachers with 12, 43 and 7 of experience, respectively.
They all agreed that the Class Festival is very important, and that it should be attended not only by the student assistants, but by any undergraduate, because after graduating, it might be necessary for them to make a technology transfer, which should be achieved with quality.
As explained by the members of that board, in the event, by being able to analyze the knowledge, methods, provenances and means, the Students Teaching.
Assistants are given tools to learn, to lose stage fright; besides it helps them to achieve the required interdisciplinarity demanded by the Ministry of Higher Education.
They also stated that the activity is necessary, as this university is nurtured by newly graduates; so, one of the characteristics of the staff is the lack of experience. Therefore, with the Class Festival, the students start acquiring the necessary pedagogical training.
The 1st Scientific Conference of the Engineer in Computer Science, which arises from the fusion of the Students’ Scientific Event(JCE) and the Day of the Engineer in Computer Science (Jici), is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the FEU, the 15th anniversary of the foundation of UCI, and the 55th anniversary of the Young Communist League.