Liliana Sánchez Sierra, head of the Communication Group of the National Young Communists Union , presented the campaign for the 55th anniversary of the organization. Photo: Ernesto Alejandro González Ravelo
The Young Communists Union (known as UJC) launches national anniversary campaign of the organization at the University of Informatics Sciences.
Representatives of the National Communications Group of the Young Communists Union(known as UJC) launched the promotional campaign for the organization's 55th Anniversary as part of its presentation in all the centers of high studies of the country.
Also were present Denis Rivero González, an official of the Provincial Committee of the UJC; The first secretary of the organization in the ICU, Ing. Leonardo Rodríguez González; MSc. Alicia Senra Mugica, General Director of Communication, and Rislaidy Pérez Ramos, Director of the Institutional Communication Department, among other members of our community.
Liliana Sierra Sánchez, head of the group, made the presentation on the morning of Thursday, in the room, Me Dicen Cuba, of the campaign that will be present throughout 2017. The general objective of this is to positively reinforce in a positive way among teenagers and young Cubans, the usefulness of the UJC as a means of effective participation to improve the Cuban socialist system.
Under the main slogan summing up ideas, and with the Secondaries Summing up joy and Summing up voluntariness, the UJC will celebrate its birthday in a dynamic, informative and youthful way, demonstrating that it listens to Cuban youth, defends its policies, encourages participation, supports social justice and promotes political courage in the quest to perfect the country.
This political organization includes the micro-campaign called Youth in statistics, which aims to show the impacts of this population sector on health, education, culture, sport and economy, with a national reach through television, and international through the social networks. On Facebook: Union of Young Communists, on Twitter: @UJCuba, and using the label # UJCuba55 and #SumandoIdeas.
In her speech, the MSc. Alicia Senra appreciated the important impact that can have the campaign, which has many motivations in the ICU, including the 15 years that the University meets and the 95th Anniversary of the University Student Federation (FEU).She concluded: "There are conditions to develop a good campaign and support it in social networks."