The popular group Bamboleo presented on Monday night at the University of Informatics Sciences. Photo: Abel Castillo Noriega
Bamboleo Band marks celebration for the 55 Anniversary of the UJC
As part of the celebrations for the 55 Anniversary of the Young Communists Union (known as UJC), the popular group Bamboleo was presented on Monday night at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).
Around an hour and a half the band led by Lazarito Valdés captivated the people who congregated in the main cultural space of this house of high studies, with about a dozen of songs among which they highlighted: Se te están cayendo los pantalones, Caramelo con picante and Ya no hace falta.
From its entrance on stage, the group established a connection with the audience in a show that took into account both son, jazz and the Cuban song, as well as the outstanding performance of female voices that formed a first level concert.
In the presentation, the audience chanted their songs and moved to the rhythm of the contagious rhythm of the group that ratified the exquisite sonority of one of the front line bands within the national sound panorama.