Dr Miriam Vladimir Vasilyev and Dr. Miriam Nicado García sign the collaboration agreements. Photo: YosbelFaleroVento
The University of Informatics Sciences and the National University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics sign a collaboration agreement
The signing of a significant collaboration agreement between the National University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics Technologies of St. Petersburg (ITMO) and the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) took place on Wednesday. The presidents of both institutions, Dr.C. Vladimir Vasilyev and Dr.C. Miriam Nicado García, signed this agreement respectively.
In a cordial and fraternal atmosphere, the meeting was held where vice-rectors, directors and doctors of our institution were also present. The agreement marks the path of collaboration and exchange in the academic area and postgraduate training with this important Russian university.
ITMO is a national research university and a leading Russian institution in the field of IT and photon technology. It was founded in 1900 and it the alma mater of winners of the main international programming competitions: ACM-ICPC (six times world champion), Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup, Llande, Code CUP Russia, among others.