The VII Provincial Chess Finals of Artemisa was hosted by the Municipal Academy of San Antonio de los Baños.
Reyder was crowned Champion in the Provincial Finals of Artemisa 2017
The VII Provincial Chess Finals of Artemisa was held at the Municipal Academy of San Antonio de los Baños, from October 21 to 29, 2017.
The competition involved 8 chess players, among them four FIDE Masters (MF), representing four municipalities.
The game was played by the All-Against-All system with a double round, in the Standard mode, with a time rhythm of 90 minutes + 30 seconds of bonus.
The FIDE Masters Reyder Cruz De la Osa (2236) and Wilver Vargas Rodríguez (2306) finished with 10 points each. After applying the tiebreaker, Reyder was crowned Champion, thus winning the right to represent the province in the Western Zone Games to be played in Mayabeque in November. The third place was occupied by David A. Santander Valle (1947) with 8 points.
It was actually David the highest Elo winner with 163 points. On the other hand, Hanoy Fredy Hernandez Herrera (2053) lost 35 points.
The tournament was a tight match with 35 wins (20 with white pieces and 15 with black pieces) and 21 draws.
Both Reyder and Wilver’s route scored 8 wins, 4 draws and 2 losses. The confrontation between them was a victory per group. Lic. Juan Álvarez Hernández was in charge of the organization of the tournament, and the arbitration was administered by the National Arbiter Jorge Luis González Domínguez.