Winners of the tournament Reyder Cruz (center), MF Wilver Vargas (left) and Reinerio Gómez (right).
Chess at UCI, first tournament of the course
As a worthy tribute to the XV Anniversary of the academic year start at the University of Informatics Sciences, the II Grand Prix Blitz 1 was held on Friday, September 8 in the Chess Room honoring “Remberto A. Fernandez González”.
In spite of the landfall made by the powerful Hurricane Irma in our country, there was a wonderful day in our venue. Fifteen chess players (three titled ones) representing Artemisa, Havana, Matanzas and the venue itself, attended the tournament.
Nine rounds were played with the Swiss System combining the Blitz time rhythms: the first five rounds were played in 5 minutes plus 3 bonus seconds, and the last four rounds were played in 3 minutes and 2 bonus seconds. This novelty actually pleased the players.
The winners of the event were Reyder Cruz De la Osa (Artemisa, UCI) with 8 points, escorted with half a point by FIDE Master Wilver Vargas Rodríguez (Artemisa) and Reinerio Gómez Arnau (Havana) with 6 points and a better tie-breaker than the other two players. All three qualified for the final phase scheduled for December, when the Absolute Champion will be declared.
The only female player in this competition was FIDE Master Yoana Gonzalez Ochoa (Havana, UCI) who finished in 9th place with 4.5 points.
The next monthly tournament will be played on Friday, October 6 at 1:00 p.m.
The XV UCI Tournament (Standard Mode) is scheduled from 9 to 20 October. This event will give the winner the right to play the XI Remberto Fernández International University Tournament, from April 28 to May 8, 2018.
We´ll be waiting for you.