The central words of the act of re-inauguration of the founding site corresponded to Lic. Severino Hernández Pita, historian of the university. Photos: Alberto Medina Cruz.
It all started with the surprise of a casual meeting
Ph.D. Miriam Nicado García, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, of the Council of State and Rector of the University of Informatics Sciences (known as UCI), presided on Monday morning, December 12th , the Reopening of the Foundation Site of this house of high studies, on the 14th anniversary of the Commander-in-Chief's visit to the university.
In the place where the top leader of the Cuban Revolution addressed for the first time to the students and professors of the UCI, there were also members of the University Council, leaders of the political and mass organizations of the institution and a representation of students, professors and other workers, who enjoyed the song el Elegido, from Silvio Rodriguez,and interpreted by the amateur artist Álvaro Luis Maceo Pixá.
On December 12th, 2002, the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, spoke to workers and students of the UCI, saying: "This is a school that has just founded ... ".
In the central words, Severino Hernández Pita, the historian of the University, explained that regarding the bust of José Martí which was in this place before, it was not there the day that Fidel addressed the community, so it was determined to place it in teaching building 3, where other Marti´s works already exist.
At the conclusion of the process of designing the founding site, the historian said, it officially reopened commemorating the first 14 years of the UCI. This site, he said, "symbolizes the first founder, manager and eternal guide of the UCI, the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz." It is a place and a date in which it is assumed as the day of the foundation of the University of Informatics Sciences and is integrated into the broad historical and cultural heritage of the community.
The founding site is accompanied, just a few meters away, for the Fidelista square where it is located the sculpture given to Fidel by the famous Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer on his 80th birthday.
It was recalled that on December 12th Fidel also visited the Policlinic, the old building 1 and the block of laboratories of that time. On March 8th and August 14th, 2004, he was in the new teaching building and in the Banderas Square, accompanying the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the Ambassador of Venezuela in Cuba, respectively.
In addition, that area where the founding site is located, which we still know as Plaza del Nodo, is part of the initial history of the UCI: there the first students were welcomed, the first and second courses were held, and took place the first oath of the MTT, also it was the center of the first political-ideological activities and the first mobilizations, until other squares were made.
Many were the goals and challenges that Fidel left us forever in that foundational place 14th years ago when he affirmed: "... one day you and the others who come behind you, or not behind, together with you, Because next year another 2,000 (...) So, we will do everything we have to do here (...). "
This "troop of the future", as defined by Fidel, will continue to reaffirm the genuine expression that the UCI has had and will always have. Therefore, as expressed in his central words Pita, "we have to look after the site and keep it, visit it with the patriotic meaning it has, use it for historical education and to extend the sense of belonging to Fidel's university.