Before going on a tour of the university campus, the delegates to Universidad 2018 wanted to take the traditional photograph of themselves in Mella Square. Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz
Foreign delegates to Universidad 2018 visit UCI
A representation of 15 delegates to the Universidad 2018 Congress, which is being held this week at the Havana Convention Center, spent the afternoon of February 13 at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), as part of the program of Specialized optional visits that are carried out during the celebration of the event.
The group, assisted by members of the national secretariat of the University Student Federation (FEU), was received in the Jose Martí School building Hall Protocol by Ing. Yadian Pérez Betancourt, Vice- Rector for University Extension and Residence; MSc. Rafael Torralbas Ezpeleta, Director of Technology Transfer, and the engineer Alieski Véliz Vega, senior specialist in International Affairs, among others.
After hearing about our Professional Educational Model, professors from Peru, Brazil, France, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, Mozambique and Costa Rica, were interested in every detail, as well as in the possibilities of sharing knowledge experiences and collaboration. They expressed their admiration for the way in which the academic, productive and research process is carried out at UCI, recognizing that it is one of a kind.
Before going on a tour of the university campus, the delegates to Universidad 2018 wanted to take the traditional photograph of themselves in the Mella Square of this institution.
Developed under the slogan The University and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Congress registered 900 Cuban delegates, 16 of them from UCI. There are also 2,000 foreign participants from 60 nations. Nineteen workshops are being held, and 1 926 papers are included, among them 13 from our center.