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Defenses for student diploma work at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).Photo: Zenia Camps Vidal

New engineers at the service of the computerization of society

Zenia Camps Vidal |
June 14, 2018 - 10:30
Defenses for student diploma work at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).

Defenses for student diploma work at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).Photo: Zenia Camps Vidal

With variety in the topics presented, fifth-year students from the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) are currently presenting their diploma works to opt for the engineering degree.

On June 14, Professor José Martí's homeland hall witnessed the presentation of several theses with topics that support real projects and are part of the process of computerization of Cuban society.

Defending technological sovereignty, students Addiel Alfonso Cordoví, Anaili Pérez Piedra, both from Faculty 1, and Daniel Alejandro Rodríguez Caballero from Citec, obtained five points with a defense that was recognized by the court that also suggested the works for scientific events.

Thesis defense of Anaili Pérez Piedra:  “Portafirmas Digital de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas”.

Thesis defense of Anaili Pérez Piedra:  “Portafirmas Digital de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas”.

Thesis defense court.

Thesis defense court.

Daniel Alejandro Rodríguez Caballero defended the thesis:  “Aplicación móvil para la autenticación con servidor proxy web en NovaDroid”.

Daniel Alejandro Rodríguez Caballero defended the thesis:  “Aplicación móvil para la autenticación con servidor proxy web en NovaDroid”.

Adiel Alfonso Cordoví defended the thesis “Paquete de servicios para el portafirmas digital de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas”.

Adiel Alfonso Cordoví defended the thesis “Paquete de servicios para el portafirmas digital de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas”.

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