Informática 2018.
“Quality 2018” a workshop that promotes good practices in software development
Its official announcement has already been made. The XVII edition of the Convention and International Science Fair 2018 will take place in Havana from March 19 to 23, 2018 and it will be held at the Convention Center and the Pabexpo Fair area.
This was announced by Wilfredo Gonzalez Vidal, Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Deputy Minister of Communications, at the site of the event He confirmed "this will be a space for exchange between professionals, scientists, technicians, businessmen, government representatives , nongovernmental organizations, international organizations and the general public, interested in researching, promoting, analyzing and learning about the progress of information technologies, telecommunications, electronics and automation in Cuba and in the world. "
Under the main slogan of For sustainable development, the meeting will host more than 15 international workshops and events as part of the Convention. One of them, the VIII International Workshop on Quality in Information and Communication Technologies "Quality 2018", is being organized from the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).
Dr.C. Yaimí Trujillo Casañola, Secretary of the "Quality 2018" Scientific Committee and Director of Software Quality at UCI, commented to Mella newspaper that the event promotes the exchange of experiences among professionals, scientists, technicians and all those interested in scientific-technical activity, R + D + I, and training activities in the field of computer science and computing. In addition, there will be held workshops and pre-congress courses.
Thematic lines are focused on the demonstration of practices, methods, techniques and tools for software development, and they cover the following topics: Techniques, metrics and formalisms in Software Engineering; Software testing; Evaluation and improvement of software processes; in IT Software Quality Services; Software Security, privacy and protection; Engineering and software Quality for specific environments and Science and Technology Parks in the area of ICT.
Those interested in attending the event can expand the information on its website ( or through the email account