Meeting of evaluators with researchers, managers and specialists of the production of the School 4. Photo: Odalys Falcón
School 4 keeps on being evaluated by the JAN experts
During this Tuesday, December 5th, the evaluators of the National Accreditation Council evaluating School 4 of the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) complied with the program scheduled for this day.
In the morning, during the Science and Technology Research Exhibition, the experts were able to appreciate the insignia software products of this school: Zera, Smart Classroom ATcnea, SAINUX and the videogames developed by the Training Technology Development Center (Fortes), the Industrial Computing Center (Cedin) and the Virtual Environments and Three-dimensional Interactive Center (Vertex).
Among the activities developed by the evaluators, they visited the students’ residence and administered integrative exams of production-research and development to fifth-year students, as well as exams of History, Political Economy of Capitalism and Socio-Political Theory to fourth-year students. They made some classroom observations and interacted with members of different research groups, managers and production specialists in this school.
Likewise, in conjunction with their Programming teachers, the students held the Gauss Cup 2017; the 20 teams that participated in the competition were asked to solve 10 problems in two and a half hours, according to the rules for competitive programming contests.