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Among the special collective prizes, School 1 was awarded with the Best Show title for the presentation of their “Soy lo que ves” (I am what you see) gala. Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz.

School 1, First Prize winner in the XV Festival of Amateur Artists at UCI

Zenia Camps Vidal |
May 17, 2017 - 14:00
Among the special collective prizes, School 1 was awarded with the Best Show title for the presentation of their “Soy lo que ves” (I am what you see) gala.

Among the special collective prizes, School 1 was awarded with the Best Show title for the presentation of their “Soy lo que ves” (I am what you see) gala. Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz.

The gala awards of the fifteenth Festival of FEU Amateur Artists at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) was a tribute to Fidel and to the amateur art of this house of higher studies, where School 1 won the first prize.

The second place was occupied by School 2 and the third one by the School of Sciences and Computational Technologies (Citec).

Led by the theme “Milestones of our art”, the cultural night in Mella Square flowed from the history of the Movement of UCI amateur artists, which had its public debut on March 2003, to the awards given to the best chosen among the 571 Artistic units and 862 amateur participants in the Festival this year.

Among the special collective prizes, School 1 was awarded with the Best Show title for the presentation of their “Soy lo que ves” (I am what you see) gala.

The jury granted the first place for scenography to School 4, taking into consideration the massive participation of the students in the conception, elaboration and set design for “Rostro de las Letras” (The Face of the Letters),  it was followed  by Citec with “Idilio”(Romance) and School 2 in the third place with the scenography “La Habana no es una ciudad, es un sentimiento “ (Havana is not a City but a feeling), which also obtained the prize for cubanía  (its Cuban flavor)

The occasion was favorable to  recognize the founders of amateur art in the institution,  among which stand out Ramón Velázquez and also other  representatives in this area like Alarcos - Theater, which for 10 years has harvested 38 provincial and 18 national prizes.

An emotional moment of the night was the homage paid to Greysi Gálvez George, no longer physically among us, but is still present as an outstanding amateur artist from our university whose music marked a generation of UCI artists who will never be forgotten.

The award gala was presided over by the first vice-rector of the institution Dr.Sc.,  Raydel Montesinos Perurena, as well as other members of the University Council.

Tribute to the leader of the Cuban Revolution by the amateur art at  UCI

Tribute to the leader of the Cuban Revolution by the amateur art at UCI

Second Prize  in the XV Amateur Artists Festival was granted to School 3

Second Prize in the XV Amateur Artists Festival was granted to School 3

La Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologías Computacionales (Citec) obtuvo el tercer puesto en el Festival de Artistas Aficionados de la FEU 2017.

La Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologías Computacionales (Citec) obtuvo el tercer puesto en el Festival de Artistas Aficionados de la FEU 2017.

Carlos Yordan González from School 1, the best dancer in the 2017 Festival at UCI

Carlos Yordan González from School 1, the best dancer in the 2017 Festival at UCI

Ivis Herrera, from School 3, Female Golden Voice of the year 2017 at UCI

Ivis Herrera, from School 3, Female Golden Voice of the year 2017 at UCI

Laritza Valdés and  Luis D. Castro, both from School  2,  won the first prize for their audiovisual  art

Laritza Valdés and Luis D. Castro, both from School 2, won the first prize for their audiovisual art

Gala awards of the XV Festival of FEU Amateur Artists at UCI

Gala awards of the XV Festival of FEU Amateur Artists at UCI

Luis Daniel Castro, from School 2, the male Golden Voice of the year 2017.

Luis Daniel Castro, from School 2, the male Golden Voice of the year 2017.

Gala awards of the XV Festival of FEU Amateur Artists at UCI

Gala awards of the XV Festival of FEU Amateur Artists at UCI

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