Rally in support of the Bolivarian Revolution at UCI. Photo: Juan Félix Hernández and Ernesto González
Rally in Support of the Bolivarian Revolution
On the morning of January 15, the students and workers of the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), gathered in the Plaza Martiana in order to their voices to the world against interventionism and media manipulation from the U.S. to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
With the presence of Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, first secretary of the Party in the capital; Dr.C. Walter Baluja García, UCI Rector, and other members of the University Council and the student and mass organizations, the secretary of the Young Communist League in the institution (UJC), Arlety Sánchez Santos, read the Declaration of the Revolutionary Government as Cuba's supporting the brother government and the people of Venezuela.
Following the rally, the university community painted a large mural with their hands imprints, to show total support of Cuban youth for the Bolivarian Revolution of Chávez and Maduro.
Under the pretext of an alleged humanitarian help, Washington manipulates the situation in Venezuela and promotes the non-recognition of Nicolás Maduro as head of state of the South American country, even though he was democratically elected. That is why today, more than ever the people of Cuba stand alongside with them.

Arlety Sanchez Santos, secretary of the UJC at UCI, read the Declaration of the Revolutionary Government.

The music played by the amateur artist Eldade Joaquim was present in the rally in support of the Bolivarian Revolution was attended by.