The lecture helped to familiarize the students with the Bioinformatics field, as it aspired to broaden their motivation for this social nature career; it also contributed to the teachers development
Academic life, University life
September 5, 2017 - 15:00
Academic life, University life
September 8, 2017 - 14:30
During their visit, UCI students could learn about the work that the investigators do there, some of the research projects they carry out, as well as all the achievements and awards
Academic life, University life
September 1, 2017 - 16:30
After its defense presentation, the curriculum was approved, and it should be modified taking into account the recommendations given
University life
February 13, 2017 - 13:15
Responding to a need in the country, the University of Informatics Science made the defense of the career of Engineering in Bioinformatics