Preparation course for students and youth leaders in the UCI. Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz
Student and youth leaders are trained to start the school year
This Monday, August 27th, at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), a course of preparation for the leaders of the University Student Federation (FEU) began, in accordance with the agreements of the 9th Congress of the organization, with the aim of deepening the political and ideological preparation of its top leaders.
The meeting, which will run until Thursday 30th and will take place in the Revolution hall of the teaching building José Martí, will also be attended by representatives of the Young Communist League (UJC) in the centre.
With an extensive programme of activities, these young people plan to carry out an exchange with the top executives of the Party and the UJC in the UCI, a conference, work in commissions, an exchange with vice-rectors, a plenary session of the different spheres of the student organisation, among other activities, which will culminate in the welcoming of the new students to this university next August 31st.
During the conference on political-ideological subversion given by the MSc. Silvano Merced Len, secretary general Party Committee in the UCI, the participants learned about the latest plans organized and led by the International Development Agency (USAID) and other organizations subordinated to it and the U.S. government, all aimed at exerting a great influence on the youth and student masses, especially in the universities.
He also commented on the media campaigns that have taken place and those to come, and the destabilization of leftist governments in Latin America and the Caribbean.
To conclude, the general secretary of the Party in the UCI suggested to the leaders to be very on alert and to continue defending our Revolution and our Socialism from every trench.