The collection of Cold Ceramics, was Relevant in the Commission of Culinary Art and Handicraft manual in the VII Meeting of Creative Women. Photo: Nancy Pérez Medina
In photos: UCI ladies display their creations
This Thursday, October 26, 2017, the members of the room that honors Vilma Espín Guillois, directed by School 1 at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) held the VII Meeting of Creative Women in the José Martí School Building, with the attendance of 120 participants, who in six commissions (five scientific and one of craft and culinary art) presented 37 papers and eight artistic works.
The exchange is part of the activities carried out because of UCI 15th anniversary, and the entire community was also called to pay tribute to Ada Byron, known as the first female programmer, on next December 1st, "World Code Day",
The photos shown below reveal some important moments of the event.