Bienvenidos al curso 2017-2018.
The beginning
The beginning. What does “to start” mean? What is the sense of starting? That is the question we all ask ourselves when the New Year begins, when we join a new group, when we arrive at a strange city, when we celebrate a new year of our life, when we start our college studies, when the academic year begins.
An initiation is the act of the unknown, it is the illusion of conquest, it is the open path to follow the shining light that indicates the course to be taken. Some street proverbs read that it is always good to start from scratch, which is indeed difficult, but will always be better.
This September 4th, the academic year is inaugurated throughout Cuba. Actually, there is no better day than this one to set goals, think about the future and make the right decisions.
The University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) also opens its doors to a new beginning, and this time the motivation is increased by more than 1000 new students among which there will be not only those attending the Computer Science and Network Administration and Computer Security studies, but also the new career on campus, Bioinformatics Engineering.
This specialty, exclusive at UCI, will bring a different experience to teachers, workers and the 33 students who will venture into this branch of knowledge. The beginning of a new edge in the academic spectrum of UCI brings about the challenge of enrolling into the unknown, while the adrenaline released by what is different, causes an amazing emulsion for creation and progress.
The start of every new school year offers intense work and study days. It stimulates the desire to meet again those mates we have not seen for a whole month, and it also enlivens the rhythm of our hearts as we know that we must start interacting with unknown people.
This academic period at UCI will have a different color, because in the first quarter of the year we will be celebrating the 15th anniversary of an institution whose main goal is to computerize Cuba. Many actions will therefore be carried out in order to raise the name of this house of higher studies very high.
Welcome to the new and not so novice students, welcome to all those who want to study, work and create in pursuit of a better university.
Happy 2017-2018 Academic Year!