The University of Informatics Sciences invites you to participate in a new edition of the Winter School, to be held from March 17 to April 4, 2025.
The University of Informatics Sciences invites you to participate in a new edition of the Winter School, to be held from March 17 to April 4, 2025.
We develop informatics solutions aimed at various sectors of the economy and services in and out of Cuba, supported by the international certification of CMMI Level II. We are leaders in the country's migration to Free Software and Open Source technologies, from the development of Nova, the Cuban distribution of GNU / Linux.
The solutions, mostly implemented on free software or open source platforms, are marketed under registered trademarks, according to the five high impact lines: Health, Public Administration, Education, Enterprise-Industry and Telematics.
Our catalog includes undergraduate and postgraduate academic programs, innovative publishing services through the label "Ediciones Futuro Cuba", as well as other services of high quality and professionalism, available to natural and juridical people from both national and foreign.
Aimed to several sectors inside and outside of Cuba, our computer services are endorsed by the CMMI International Level II certification, and the experience in working with domestic and foreign clients.
The commercial proposals include counseling , consulting, services, products and support, distributed in five high impact lines: Health, Public Administration, Education, Enterprise-Industry and Telematics.
We offer academic services that include high quality programs in different modalities of study and a variety of topics such as computer science, pedagogical sciences, and mathematics related to computing.
We also offer master's and PhD programs , diplomas, short courses, trainings, as well as internships and stays that encourage the development of research projects.
Through our publishing house "Ediciones Futuro Cuba " we offer the possibility of taking advantage of the scenario offered by ICT for this industry, from the dissemination of content in digital media.
We edit the Cuban Journal of Computer Science and the Scientific Series of the UCI, with the aim of promoting the work of Cuban and foreign professionals in the branches of computer science and computing.