
Our University has the scientific series “Ediciones Futuro Cuba", recognized as a member of the National Editorial Council of the Cuban Book Institute, to promote scientific culture through high impact publications, as well as the registration and commercialization of scientific results.

Editorial Ediciones Futuro de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas UCI

The editorial seal "Ediciones Futuro Cuba", disseminates the academic and scientific publications in the field of Informatics Sciences  and Computer Science. It also contributes to the development and improvement of the professionals of these branches in our country and the world.

Among its objectives is:

     Provide a space for the dissemination of results of scientific research of students and professionals.
     Promote the integration between institutions and authors to increase the quantity and quality of scientific publishing productions.
     Increase the visibility of national results in the area.

The editorial seal "Ediciones Futuro Cuba", disseminates the academic and scientific publications in the field of Informatics  Science and Computer Science. It also contributes to the development and improvement of the professionals of these branches in our country and the world.

Among its objectives is:

     Provide a space for the dissemination of results of scientific research of students and professionals.
     Promote the integration between institutions and authors to increase the quantity and quality of scientific publishing productions.
     Increase the visibility of national results in the area.

Contacts Details

+53 7 837 2499 | +53 7 837 2574